
Found 849 results
Luo Y, Yu Q, Wu S, Luo Y-J.  2024.  Distinct neural bases of visual art- and music-induced aesthetic experiences.. Neuroimage. 305:120962.
Hao S, Wang Q, Zhang Y, Miao Y, Shan Y.  2024.  The effect of different visual feedback interfaces of music training games on speech rehabilitation in hearing-impaired children: An fNIRS study.. Neurosci Lett. :138010.
Song Y, Ali N, Nater UM.  2024.  The effect of music on stress recovery.. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 168:107137.
J. Castañeda-García A, Sabiote-Ortiz CM, Vena-Oya J, García-Retamero R.  2024.  The effect of music to encourage responsible health-related behaviours among reluctant tourists: analysis of high – and low-context cultures. Current Issues in TourismCurrent Issues in Tourism. :1-22.
Konsam M, Praharaj SKumar, Shetty J, Panda S, R VLakshmi, Kamath A, D’Souza SRB.  2024.  Effectiveness of Comprehensive Health-literacy And Relaxing Music (CHARM) intervention on pregnancy-related anxiety among low-risk primigravid women: A randomized controlled trial. Psychology of MusicPsychology of Music. :03057356241258958.
Anichebe O, Anibueze AU, Anum V, Ohaja EUgochi, Ezeugwu CAnene, Obasi NTorti, Onogwu EOdachi, Gever VCelestine.  2024.  Effectiveness of drama and music therapies as health communication interventions for reducing anxiety and posttraumatic disorders among children-victims of flood. 57:101890.
Frank DC.  2024.  Effectiveness of Music Therapy in Treating Mental Health Disorders in Psychiatry. Acta Psychologia. 3:01–07.
Kim BSoo, Kim H, Kim JYoun.  2024.  Effects of a choral program combining wind instrument performance and breathing training on respiratory function, stress, and quality of life in adolescents: A randomized controlled trial.. PLoS One. 19(5):e0276568.
Shi M, Yang L, Qumu S, Lei J, Huang K, He R, Niu H, Dong F, Wang S, He J et al..  2024.  Efficacy and safety of a music-therapy facilitated pulmonary telerehabilitation program in COPD patients: the COPDMELODY study protocol.. Front Med (Lausanne). 11:1361053.
Shi M, Yang L, Qumu S, Lei J, Huang K, He R, Niu H, Dong F, Wang S, He J et al..  2024.  Efficacy and safety of a music-therapy facilitated pulmonary telerehabilitation program in COPD patients: the COPDMELODY study protocol.. Front Med (Lausanne). 11:1361053.
Fleszar-Pavlovic SE, Esquives BNoriega, Brito AE, Sia AMarie, Kauffman MAdelyn, Lopes M, Moreno PI, Koru-Sengul T, Gong R, Wang T et al..  2024.  eHealth mindfulness-based music therapy for patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A pilot randomized controlled trial protocol.. Contemp Clin Trials. 142:107577.
Raz S.  2024.  Enhancing cognitive abilities in young adults with ADHD through instrumental music training: a comparative analysis of musicians and non-musicians.. Psychol Res. 89(1):9.
Da Silva THorta Reis.  2024.  Enhancing the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers through music interventions. Mental Health Practice.
Segura E, Grau-Sánchez J, Cerda-Company X, Porto MF, De la Cruz-Puebla M, Sanchez-Pinsach D, Cerquides J, Duarte E, Palumbo A, Turry A et al..  2024.  Enriched music-supported therapy for individuals with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial.. J Neurol. 271(10):6606-6617.
He Q, Attan SAzra, Zhang J, Shang R, He D.  2024.  Evaluating music education interventions for mental health in Chinese university student: a dual fuzzy analytic method.. Sci Rep. 14(1):19727.
Manzella M, Fleming K, Paliwal M.  2024.  Examination of the Awareness of Health Care Providers on the Use of Music as an Intervention.
O’Malley N, O’Reilly S, Byrne S, Cheung P-S, Fitzell C, NiBhriain O, Moss H, Gowran RJoan, Louw Q, Woods C et al..  2024.  ‘Excellent for Mind, Body and Spirit’: Participant, Facilitator, and Community Stakeholder Experiences of Music and Movement for Health. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. :101917.
Taylor ERose, Estevao C, Jarrett L, Woods A, Crane N, Fancourt D, Pariante C, Jones F.  2024.  Experiences of acquired brain injury survivors participating in online and hybrid performance arts programmes: an ethnographic study. Arts & HealthArts & Health. 16(2):189-205.
Thummapol O, Murad S, Amodu O, Kennedy M.  2024.  Exploring the Therapeutic Effects of Music Intervention Embedded With Binaural Beats on Health and Well-Being of Older People: A Scoping Review.. J Appl Gerontol. :7334648241275965.
E Wu-Chung L, Brandt AK, Bonomo ME, Denny BT, Karmonik C, J Frazier T, Blench K, Fagundes CP.  2024.  Feasibility and acceptability of a group music creativity intervention for adults with varying cognitive function.. Creat Res J. 36(3):451-468.
Munro-Kramer ML, Beck DC, Ball M, Pardee M.  2024.  Finding the beat: A partnership to address the relationship between a music program and health among youth who have experienced trauma.. Psychol Trauma.
Clifford AM, Cheung P-S, Malley NO', Byrne S, Whiston A, Kennelly B, Mphepo T, Eshghimanesh Z, Thabane L, Louw Q et al..  2024.  Findings from a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial of a music and dance programme for community dwelling older adults.. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 122:105371.
Apps K, Sunderland N, Rakena TOti.  2024.  First Nations music and social emotional wellbeing and health among LGBTIQA+SB First Nations peoples: a review of the literature.. Cult Health Sex. :1-21.
Sihvonen AJ, Ferguson MA, Chen V, Soinila S, Särkämö T, Joutsa J.  2024.  Focal brain lesions causing acquired amusia map to a common brain network.. J Neurosci.
Picazio S, Magnani B, Koch G, Oliveri M, Petrosini L.  2024.  Frontal and cerebellar contributions to pitch and rhythm processing: a TMS study.. Brain Struct Funct.
