
Found 849 results
Cameron DJ, Pickett KA, Earhart GM, Grahn JA.  2016.  The Effect of Dopaminergic Medication on Beat-Based Auditory Timing in Parkinson's Disease.. Front Neurol. 7:19.
Hallam S, MacDonald R.  2016.  The Effects of Music in Community and Educational Settings. The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology.
Lee JHyung.  2016.  The Effects of Music on Pain: A Meta-Analysis.. J Music Ther. 53(4):430-477.
Hedayati N, Schibli K, D'Angiulli A.  2016.  El Sistema-inspired ensemble music training is associated with changes in children's neurocognitive functional integration: preliminary ERP evidence.. Neurocase. 22(6):538-547.
Groarke JM, Hogan MJ.  2016.  Enhancing wellbeing: An emerging model of the adaptive functions of music listening. Psychology of Music. 44:769-791.
Taylor JY, Holston EC.  2016.  An Exploratory Study Using Cortisol to Describe the Response of Incarcerated Women IPV Survivors to MAMBRA Intervention.. Nurs Res Pract. 2016:7068528.
Viega M.  2016.  Exploring the Discourse in Hip Hop and Implications for Music Therapy Practice . Music Ther Perspect. 34(2):138-146.
Jiam NT, Pearl MS, Carver C, Limb CJ.  2016.  Flat-Panel CT Imaging for Individualized Pitch Mapping in Cochlear Implant Users.. Otol Neurotol. 37(6):672-9.
Mehr SA, Song LAnn, Spelke ES.  2016.  For 5-Month-Old Infants, Melodies Are Social.. Psychol Sci. 27(4):486-501.
Iversen J.  2016.  In the Beginning Was the Beat: Evolutionary Origins of Musical Rhythm in Humans.
McDermott JH, Schultz AF, Undurraga EA, Godoy RA.  2016.  Indifference to dissonance in native Amazonians reveals cultural variation in music perception.. Nature. 535(7613):547-50.
Kim S-A, Elefant C.  2016.  Multicultural Considerations in Music Therapy Research. Faculty Works: MT (2003-2021). 8
Ekholm O., Juel K., Bonde L.O..  2016.  Music and public health – An empirical study of the use of music in the daily life of adult Danes and the health implications of musical participation. Arts & Health. 8:154-168.
Shaw J.  2016.  "The Music I Was Meant to Sing": Adolescent Choral Students Perceptions of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. Journal of Research in Music Education. 64
Bradt J, Dileo C, Magill L, Teague A.  2016.  Music interventions for improving psychological and physical outcomes in cancer patients.. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. (8):CD006911.
Karmonik C, Brandt A, Anderson J, Brooks F, Lytle J, Silverman E, Frazier JT.  2016.  Music Listening modulates Functional Connectivity and Information Flow in the Human Brain.. Brain Connect. 6(8):632-641.
T Zhao C, Kuhl PK.  2016.  Musical intervention enhances infants' neural processing of temporal structure in music and speech.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113(19):5212-7.
Hadley S, Norris MS.  2016.  Musical Multicultural Competency in Music Therapy: The First Step . Music Ther Perspect. 34(2):129-137.
Yamasaki A, Mise Y, Mise Y, Lee JE, Aloia TA, Katz MH, Chang GJ, Lillemoe KD, Raut CP, Conrad C.  2016.  Musical preference correlates closely to professional roles and specialties in operating room: A multicenter cross-sectional cohort study with 672 participants.. Surgery. 159(5):1260-8.
Chapline J, Johnson JK.  2016.  The National Endowment for the Arts guide to Community-Engaged Research in the Arts and Health.
Habibi A, B Cahn R, Damasio A, Damasio H.  2016.  Neural correlates of accelerated auditory processing in children engaged in music training.. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 21:1-14.
Silverman MJ, Letwin L, Nuehring L.  2016.  Patient preferred live music with adult medical patients: A systematic review to determine implications for clinical practice and future research. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 49:1-7.
Iversen JRehner, Balasubramaniam R.  2016.  Synchronization and temporal processing. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 8:175-180.
Bradt J, Norris M, Shim M, Gracely EJ, Gerrity P.  2016.  Vocal Music Therapy for Chronic Pain Management in Inner-City African Americans: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study.. J Music Ther. 53(2):178-206.
