
Found 849 results
Faber SEM, Belden AG, Loui P, McIntosh R.  2023.  Age-related variability in network engagement during music listening.. Netw Neurosci. 7(4):1404-1419.
Gold BP, Pearce MT, McIntosh AR, Chang C, Dagher A, Zatorre RJ.  2023.  Auditory and reward structures reflect the pleasure of musical expectancies during naturalistic listening.. Front Neurosci. 17:1209398.
Collimore AN, Cataldo AVRoto, Aiello AJ, Sloutsky R, Hutchinson KJ, Harris B, Ellis T, Awad LN.  2023.  Autonomous Control of Music to Retrain Walking After Stroke.. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 37(5):255-265.
Paula V, Vesa P, Anastasia G, Anja T, J TLaurel, Teija K.  2023.  Beneficial effects of a music listening intervention on neural speech processing in 0-28-month-old children at risk for dyslexia.. Dev Sci. 26(5):e13426.
Bowling DL.  2023.  Biological principles for music and mental health.. Transl Psychiatry. 13(1):374.
Liu T, Martinez-Torres K, Mazzone J, Camarata S, Lense M.  2023.  Brief Report: Telehealth Music-Enhanced Reciprocal Imitation Training in Autism: A Single-Subject Feasibility Study of a Virtual Parent Coaching Intervention.. J Autism Dev Disord.
Mercadillo RE, Garza-Villarreal EA.  2023.  Case Report: "" A patient's experience with music-induced analgesia for chronic pain.. Front Psychol. 14:1141829.
Kuuse A-K, Paulander A-S, Eulau L.  2023.  Characteristics and impacts of live music interventions on health and wellbeing for children, families, and health care professionals in paediatric hospitals: a scoping review.. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 18(1):2180859.
Takarabe C, Shah R, Walesa M, Ngo E, Wall B, Pause L, Agarwal G, Bonakdarpour B.  2023.  Clinically Designed Improvisatory Music Interventions for Well-Being and Burnout Prevention for Neurology, Psychiatry, and Other Health Professionals: Preliminary Findings (S11.003). Neurology. 100
Silverman MJ.  2023.  A Cluster-Randomized Comparison of Music Therapy Interventions as Measured by Craving and Commitment in Adults on a Detoxification Unit.. Subst Use Misuse. :1-8.
Good A, Earle E, Vezer E, Gilmore S, Livingstone S, Russo FA.  2023.  Community Choir Improves Vocal Production Measures in Individuals Living with Parkinson's Disease.. J Voice.
Thompson Z, Tamplin J, Sousa TVieira, Carrasco R, Flynn L, Lamb KE, Lampit A, Lautenschlager NT, McMahon K, Waycott J et al..  2023.  Content development and validation for a mobile application designed to train family caregivers in the use of music to support care of people living with dementia.. Front Med (Lausanne). 10:1185818.
Liu Y, Liu X, Zheng M.  2023.  A correlation study of music training, adult attachment, and personality traits using a large-sample questionnaire.. Front Psychol. 14:1218848.
Brown ED, Weaver Z, Streich M, Shivde G, Garnett M.  2023.  Cortisol across preschool day relates to teacher ratings of executive functioning for children facing economic hardship. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 62:31-40.
NIA.  2023.  Could 'musical medicine' influence healthy aging?
Lightstone A, Gray J, Foster B.  2023.  Culturally diverse music creation as a prototype for effective intercultural collaboration in health care.. Music and Medicine. 15:143–154.
Russo FA, Mallik A, Thomson Z, St James Ade Raadt, Dupuis K, Cohen D.  2023.  Developing a music-based digital therapeutic to help manage the neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia.. Front Digit Health. 5:1064115.
Jones G, Herrmann F, Nock MK.  2023.  A Digital Music-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Black Americans With Elevated Race-Based Anxiety: A Multiple-Baseline Pilot Study.. JMIR Form Res. 7:e49284.
Badr EArafa, Ibrahim H, Saleh SEl-Sayed.  2023.  Effect of Benson's relaxation technique versus music intervention on physiological parameters and stress of children with thalassemia during blood transfusions: A randomized controlled trial.. J Pediatr Nurs.
.  2023.  The effect of complementary music intervention on patients’ health related quality of life after tonsillectomy. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie. 102
Jespersen KV, Hansen MH, Vuust P.  2023.  The effect of music on sleep in hospitalized patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.. Sleep Health. 9(4):441-448.
Hakim A, Kaldozkhi SShima Hoss, Tashakori A, Ghanbari S.  2023.  The effect of non-verbal music on anxiety in hospitalized children.. BMC Pediatr. 23(1):279.
Konsam M, Praharaj SKumar, Panda S, Shetty J, Ravishankar N., D’Souza SRB.  2023.  Effectiveness of health literacy and relaxing music on quality of sleep and risk for antenatal depression. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 65(10)
Rodgers-Melnick SN, Rivard RL, Block S, Dusek JA.  2023.  Effectiveness of Medical Music Therapy Practice: Integrative Research Using the Electronic Health Record: Rationale, Design, and Population Characteristics.. J Integr Complement Med.
Niu M, Zhao R, Wang J.  2023.  The effects of a music intervention on the autonomic nervous system during recovery from strenuous exercise.. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. :e13096.
