
Found 849 results
Somayaji K, Frenkel M, Tabaza L, Visotcky A, Ruck TKruse, Ofori EKwesi, Widlansky ME, Kulinski J.  2022.  Acute effects of singing on cardiovascular biomarkers.. Front Cardiovasc Med. 9:869104.
Somayaji K, Frenkel M, Tabaza L, Visotcky A, Ruck TKruse, Ofori EKwesi, Widlansky ME, Kulinski J.  2022.  Acute effects of singing on cardiovascular biomarkers.. Front Cardiovasc Med. 9:869104.
J McCrary M, Altenmüller E, Kretschmer C, Scholz DS.  2022.  Association of Music Interventions With Health-Related Quality of Life: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.. JAMA Netw Open. 5(3):e223236.
Arcadias L, Corbet R.  2022.  An Astro-Animation Class: Optimizing Artistic, Educational, and Outreach Outcomes. Leonardo. 55(4):414-420.
Freitas C, Hunt BAE, Wong SM, Ristic L, Fragiadakis S, Chow S, Iaboni A, Brian J, Soorya L, Chen JL et al..  2022.  Atypical Functional Connectivity During Unfamiliar Music Listening in Children With Autism.. Front Neurosci. 16:829415.
Lo CYhun, Looi V, Thompson WForde, McMahon CM.  2022.  Beyond Audition: Psychosocial Benefits of Music Training for Children With Hearing Loss.. Ear Hear. 43(1):128-142.
Pellicer LÁEsteban, Villar AJConde, Rubio JLMartíne, Casañas E, R Luaña E.  2022.  Can Music Decrease Anxiety and Pain During Dental Implant Surgery? A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
Kubicek L.  2022.  Can music improve our health and quality of life?
Good A, Russo FA.  2022.  Changes in mood, oxytocin, and cortisol following group and individual singing: A pilot study. Psychology of Music. 50:1340-1347.
Holly S.  2022.  Changing the narrative: Exploring how music therapy can assist adolescents dealing with race-based traumatic stress. Trauma-Informed Music Therapy. :56–63.
Rodgers-Melnick SN, Rivard RL, Block S, Dusek JA.  2022.  Clinical Delivery and Effectiveness of Music Therapy in Hematology and Oncology: An EMMPIRE Retrospective Study.. Integr Cancer Ther. 21:15347354221142538.
E Wu-Chung LLydia, Brandt A, Bonomo M, Denny B, Karmonik C, Frazier J, Blench K, Fagundes C.  2022.  COGNITION AND HEALTH: PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF A MUSIC CREATIVITY INTERVENTION FOR ADULTS AT RISK OF MCI. Innov Aging. 6(Supplement_1):734-734.
Liou KT, Lynch KA, Nwodim O, Popkin K, Greene JS, Atkinson TM, Bradt J, Mao JJ.  2022.  Comparison of Depressive Symptom Outcomes in Hospitalized Adult Cancer Patients Receiving Music Therapy or Massage Therapy.. J Pain Symptom Manage. 63(2):e155-e159.
Chua P, Gupta C, Agres KR, Nanayakkara S.  2022.  Computational Music Systems for Emotional Health and Wellbeing: A Review. SIGHCI 2022 Proceedings.
Bissmeyer SRebekah Su, Ortiz JRose, Gan H, Goldsworthy RLee.  2022.  Computer-based musical interval training program for Cochlear implant users and listeners with no known hearing loss.. Front Neurosci. 16:903924.
Chmiel A, Kiernan F, Garrido S, Lensen S, Hickey M, Davidson JW.  2022.  Creativity in lockdown: Understanding how music and the arts supported mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic by age group.. Front Psychol. 13:993259.
P. Harper THicks, Emdin C.  2022.  Cultivating Science Genius Through Hip-Hop Development and Reality Pedagogy. Young, Gifted and Missing. 25:99-113.
Peretz I, Ross J, Bourassa CV, Perreault L-PLemieux, Dion PA, Weiss MW, Felezeu M, Rouleau GA, Dubé M-P.  2022.  Do variants in the coding regions of FOXP2, a gene implicated in speech disorder, confer a risk for congenital amusia? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Shenker JJ, Steele CJ, M. Chakravarty M, Zatorre RJ, Penhune VB.  2022.  Early musical training shapes cortico-cerebellar structural covariation. 227(1):407-419.
Alali-Morlevy K, Goldfarb L.  2022.  The effect of background sounds on mind wandering.. Psychol Res.
Dallı ÖErbay, Yıldırım Y, Aykar FŞenuzun, Kahveci F.  2022.  The effect of music on delirium, pain, sedation and anxiety in patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit.. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. :103348.
LiKamWa A, Cardoso J, Sonke J, Fillingim RB, Booker SQ.  2022.  The effect of music on pain sensitivity in healthy adults.. Arts Health. 14(1):66-84.
Gassner L, Geretsegger M, Mayer-Ferbas J.  2022.  Effectiveness of music therapy for autism spectrum disorder, dementia, depression, insomnia and schizophrenia: update of systematic reviews.. Eur J Public Health. 32(1):27-34.
Baltacı N, Koç E, Yüksekol ÖDoğan, Çokyeter B.  2022.  The Effects of Listening to Lullabies and Self-selected Music on Distress and Maternal Attachment in Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Study.. Altern Ther Health Med.
Mallik A, Russo FA.  2022.  The effects of music & auditory beat stimulation on anxiety: A randomized clinical trial. PLOS ONE. 17:1-18.
