Blue faces
About Us


Our mission is to promote research and public awareness about the impact of music on health and wellness.


We envision a network that engages a broad range of multidisciplinary stakeholders - including scientists, music therapists, musicians, clinicians, patients, music and arts organizations, funders and the general public. Through our coordinating role, we will facilitate individual and collaborative efforts that promote the quality, quantity, and relevance of research at the intersections of music, neuroscience, health, and wellness across the lifespan, advancing the potential of music to improve all our lives.


The SHN emerged from Sound Health, a partnership between the Kennedy Center and NIH in association with the Arts Endowment that has brought together scientists, music therapists, artists, and the public to explore music’s impact on the brain, health, and wellness.


This online website for the Sound Health Network is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (Award #: 1916585-38-C-23). However, the opinions expressed in materials on this website are those of the author(s)’ and do not represent the views of the NEA. The NEA does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information included in the materials on this website and is not responsible for any consequences of their use.