Orange faces
Affinity Groups

The goals of Affinity Groups for the Sound Health Network are to:

  • facilitate connections among stakeholders who have a mutual interest in music and health
  • facilitate cross-disciplinary communication and collaboration (e.g., researchers, music therapists, musicians)
  • provide a forum to discuss topics of interest (e.g., appropriate control conditions, study designs, music interventions, training)
  • build community and provide support

Student Affinity Group

Sarah McKiddy
University of Washington
Nursing Science PhD program

Student Affinity Group Lead

Aaron Colverson
University of Florida
Ethnomusicology PhD program

Student Affinity Group Co-Lead

If you are interested in getting more involved in the Student Affinity Group, please create a Profile in the Sound Health Network Directory and identify yourself as a student (as your “discipline”).  We hope to host a virtual introductory chat on the SHN virtual networking platform in the fall. 

Join the Student Affinity Group Listserv


Music in Medicine Reimbursement and Sustainable Funding Affinity Group

Judy Simpson, MT-BC
American Music Therapy Association
Music in Medicine Reimbursement and Sustainable Funding Affinity Group Lead

Music in Medicine Reimbursement and Sustainable Funding Affinity Group Participants


Join the Music Services Reimbursement Affinity Group Listserv


Music and Integrative Health Affinity Group

Suzanne Hanser, EdD, MT-BC
Berklee College of Music
Music and Integrative Health Affinity Group Lead

Music and Integrative Health Co-Chairs

Seneca Block
Libby Gill


Join the Music and Integrative Health Affinity Group Listserv


Past Members

Megumi Azekawa
University of Washington
Nursing Science PhD program

Former Student Affinity Group Co-Lead

Rebecca Menza
UCSF Nursing
PhD program

Former Student Affinity Group Co-Lead

Clarissa Lacson
Drexel Creative Arts Therapies
PhD program

Former Student Affinity Group Co-Lead

Darina V. Petrovsky, PhD, RN
Rutgers University
School of Nursing

Former Student Affinity Group Mentor

Stephan Betz, PhD, MT-BC
Walnut Creek Consulting
Former Music Services Reimbursement Affinity Group Lead