Board Certified Music Therapist
Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation):
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98109
United StatesEmail:
Short biography and a description of your interest(s) in music and health:
Megumi Azekawa, MM, MT-BC, is a board-certified music therapist and a Ph.D. student in nursing science at the University of Washington. Megumi’s research interests include the neurobiology of grief and loss, particularly non-death loss, music as a social determinant of health, community music therapy intervention development, and social cohesion and connectedness promotion through music among migrants. As a clinician, Megumi has over a decade of experience serving a wide range of clinical populations, including neurorehabilitation, neurodivergent communities, mental health, military-connected communities, and wellness promotion in community settings. She has also been instrumental as a legislative advocate for music therapy in the state of Washington.
music therapy, neurobiology of grief, non-death loss, migrant health, music intervention