Board Certified Music Therapist
Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation):
Augsburg University
Minneapolis, MN 55446
United StatesEmail:
Short biography and a description of your interest(s) in music and health:
Annie Heiderscheit, Ph.D., MT-BC, LMFT, is the Director of Music Therapy and Associate Professor at Augsburg. She has almost 20 years of experience teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level and nearly 30 years of clinical experience as a board-certified music therapist. She has worked in a wide variety of clinical settings including hospitals (general medical & critical care), eating disorder and addictions treatment programs, residential and day programs.
My research includes a focus on music listening with mechanically ventilated patients and clients with eating disorders, substance use disorders, and complex clinical profiles.
My research includes a focus on music listening with mechanically ventilated patients and clients with eating disorders, substance use disorders, and complex clinical profiles.
Collaboration Interests:
I frequently collaborate with an interdisciplinary team integrating music listening with mechanically ventilated patients. I value working collaboratively to improve patient care and outcomes.
music listening, music therapy, mechanical ventilation, critically ill