Caitlin Krater

Board Certified Music Therapist
Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation): 
Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health
Indianapolis, IN 46260
United States
Short biography and a description of your interest(s) in music and health: 
I am a board certified music therapist at Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, IN. I support patients and families throughout the inpatient units specializing in cancer and other blood diseases, pediatric burn injury and pediatric grief and bereavement. I am an active clinician researcher collaborating on multiple research projects large and small throughout the years and am passionate about bridging the gap between researcher and clinician. My body of research includes clinician experiences of implementing protocols, grief and bereavement, cancer care and pediatric burn injury. In addition, I host a bi-monthly podcast "Musical Health" covering a range of topics related to music and healthcare.
Collaboration Interests: 
I am currently interested in better understanding trauma as a result of hospitalization and the role of music and the arts in resilience to trauma. My current area of work and research is in cancer care and burn. I also do work with queer youth and coming out in healthcare crisis.