Chapter 15 - The use of rhythm in rehabilitation for patients with movement disorders

TitleChapter 15 - The use of rhythm in rehabilitation for patients with movement disorders
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBella SDalla
EditorCuddy LL, Belleville S, Moussard A
Book TitleMusic and the Aging Brain
PublisherAcademic Press
ISBN Number978-0-12-817422-7
KeywordsAging, Gait, Movement, Music, Parkinson’s disease, rhythm, synchronization, therapy
AbstractRhythmic abilities are widespread in the general population. Most of us can extract the regular beat of music, and align our movements with it. These abilities can be harnessed for the purpose of motor rehabilitation in patients with movement disorders. Fundamental research on beat perception and synchronization to the beat is reviewed, and it is shown how this knowledge can help in devising rhythm-based interventions. To illustrate this translational approach, Parkinson’s disease is taken as a model. The focus is on the positive effects or rhythmic auditory cueing on walking. Studies are reviewed showing a relation between the success of this music-based intervention and individual differences in rhythmic abilities. Moreover, recent approaches to rhythmic auditory stimulation using mobile technologies (tablets and smartphones) are presented in the form of dedicated apps or serious games. A similar approach can be extended to improving motor performance in healthy older adults and in patients with cognitive decline.