Daniel Bowling

Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation): 
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA 94301
United States
Short biography and a description of your interest(s) in music and health: 
My fundamental interest lies in translating insights from the biology of music into the principled application of music into improve human health and wellness, particularly in the areas or mood regulation, attentional focus, and social functioning. I've spent the last 14 years studying music from neurobiological, perceptual, evolutionary, and bioacoustic perspectives, and I am currently applying this background to better understand the role of auditory-vocal affect perception in social communication deficits in autism (supported by NIMH K01MH122730). Outside of academia I serve as the lead neuroscience advisor at Spiritune (https://www.spiritune.com), a company focus on the creation and delivery of affectively parameterized music to improve mood, focus, and wellness in everyday contexts.
Collaboration Interests: 
Designing and implementing interventions for individuals with impaired social functioning
Affect, Stress, Mood, Social reward, Biology, Neuroscience, Oxytocin, Cortisol,