Feasibility of the Musical Contour Regulation Facilitation (MCRF) intervention to promote emotion regulation for under-resourced preschoolers: Examining intervention intensity

TitleFeasibility of the Musical Contour Regulation Facilitation (MCRF) intervention to promote emotion regulation for under-resourced preschoolers: Examining intervention intensity
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsMoore KSena, Hanson-Abromeit D
JournalThe Arts in Psychotherapy
KeywordsEarly intervention, Emotion regulation, Music intervention development, Pilot study, Under-resourced preschoolers
Abstract{Children living in under-resourced communities are at higher risk for developing poor emotion regulation (ER) skills. Opportunities to practice managing physiological arousal may help alleviate poor ER. The preventive Musical Contour Regulation Facilitation (MCRF) intervention is designed to promote preschooler ER development through alternating music experiences that offer practice managing high and low physiological arousal. We implemented it with 43 preschoolers in Head Start to examine intervention intensity. A board-certified music therapist facilitated the MCRF with preschoolers either three times a week (n = 21