Hip-Hop and Rap Music Interventions on Mental Health and Well-Being: A Systematic Review

TitleHip-Hop and Rap Music Interventions on Mental Health and Well-Being: A Systematic Review
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsJefferson LN, Waddington A, Johnson S, Ohrt J
JournalJournal of Creativity in Mental HealthJournal of Creativity in Mental Health
Pagination1 - 15
ISBN Number1540-1383
AbstractHip-hop and rap music interventions are modern approaches, often used in counseling with marginalized populations, to facilitate emotion processing and enhance well-being. The purpose of this systematic review is to (a) identify hip-hop and rap music interventions that have been empirically studied in counseling, (b) summarize the outcomes of research studies that integrate hip-hop and rap music interventions in counseling, and (c) critically appraise the available research studies to date. Overall, researchers reported that integrating hip-hop and rap music in the counseling process contributes to increased emotional awareness, empowerment, and the ability to process difficult emotions.
Short TitleJournal of Creativity in Mental Health