Ian Mouser

Music/arts organization
Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation): 
My Voice Music
Short biography and a description of your interest(s) in music and health: 
My Voice Music (MVM) is a nonprofit based in Portland, Oregon that teaches youth to write, record, and perform original songs. As our name suggests, our vision is that all youth have the opportunity to find and share their artistic voice. Since its founding in 2008, MVM has served 14,000 youth ages 8-24 in residential treatment centers—mental health treatment programs, juvenile justice facilities, and migrant detention centers—as well as young people in foster care, from low income families, and from the general public through year-round programs.

We are interested in creative youth development; the role the arts can play in systemic change and improved outcomes for disadvantaged youth; popular music; and trauma-informed facilitation.