Board Certified Music Therapist
Music/arts organization
Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation):
Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA 02464
United StatesEmail:
Short biography and a description of your interest(s) in music and health:
Joy Allen, PhD, MT-BC, Chair, Music Therapy, Berklee College of Music, is an accomplished clinician, researcher, and educator with extensive experience in psychological health, pain management, and trauma informed education and supervision. She has presented on her work at several peer-reviewed conferences, including regional, national and international music therapy and music and health related conferences. She is the editor of Guidelines for Music Therapy: Adult Medical Care, and author of chapters on adult oncology, pain management, and medical music therapy. Dr. Allen regular consults with community and higher education leaders on music therapy and music and health program and curriculum development. In addition to serving as Chair, Music Therapy, Dr. Allen is the Founding and Acting Director, Music & Health Institute, Berklee College of Music.
Collaboration Interests:
I am particularly interested in music and health innovation and program development. I routinely collaborate with educational, healthcare and community leaders on the design and implementation of music and health-centered programs and curriculum that incorporate music experiences to impact overall quality of life. This includes identifying health-related outcomes being addressed within these programs, as well as identifying the resources to ensure sustainability outside of structured individual and group experiences, whether this would be done through the process of trained community musicians, music therapists, healthcare providers and advocates or through technological advances.
music, music and health, music medicine, music therapy
Website Links: