Music in Children’s Hospitals: A Cultural Action to Support Health

TitleMusic in Children’s Hospitals: A Cultural Action to Support Health
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsPreti C, Bouteloup P
EditorBarrett MS, Welch GF
ISBN Number9780190927523

The impact of live music programs in hospitals on children and their families is discussed within the context of a contemporary model of pediatric care. Through an overview of the development of the field of music in hospitals and of the role of the musicians, the chapter proposes a model of music in hospital that is focused on the cultural needs of the children and their right to access culture when they are in hospital. The cultural action that music brings in hospital is based on an intersection between music performance, music as informal education, and music as health. The model is discussed through the case of Musique et Santé, a leading organization in the field of music in hospital in Europe.