This webinar featured Miriam Lense, PhD, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology and Director of the Music Cognition Lab at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and Lyn Bingham, DMA, autism self-advocate, conductor, and senior lecturer at the Blair School of Music. Dr. Lense discussed her research and clinical work, which focuses on infants, children, and adults with or at-risk for developmental disabilities, with a particular emphasis on individuals on the autism spectrum and who have Williams syndrome, while Dr. Bingham highlighted her work collaborating with researchers who study music and autism.

Anna Kasdan, B.A and Ph.D. candidate in the Neuroscience Graduate Program at Vanderbilt University, hosted a discussion on her article published last year on neural markers of beat perception in individuals with Williams Syndrome. The journal club was moderated by Edward Roth, Ph.D., MT-BC, Director and Professor of Music Therapy and Director of the Lab for Brain Research and Interdisciplinary Neurosciences (BRAIN) at Western Michigan University