Music@Home-Retrospective: A new measure to retrospectively assess childhood home musical environments.

TitleMusic@Home-Retrospective: A new measure to retrospectively assess childhood home musical environments.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsKathios N, Lopez KL, Gabard-Durnam LJoy, Loui P
JournalBehav Res Methods
Date Published2024 Aug 05

Early home musical environments can significantly impact sensory, cognitive, and socioemotional development. While longitudinal studies may be resource-intensive, retrospective reports are a relatively quick and inexpensive way to examine associations between early home musical environments and adult outcomes. We present the Music@Home-Retrospective scale, derived partly from the Music@Home-Preschool scale (Politimou et al., 2018), to retrospectively assess the childhood home musical environment. In two studies (total n = 578), we conducted an exploratory factor analysis (Study 1) and confirmatory factor analysis (Study 2) on items, including many adapted from the Music@Home-Preschool scale. This revealed a 20-item solution with five subscales. Items retained for three subscales (Caregiver Beliefs, Caregiver Initiation of Singing, Child Engagement with Music) load identically to three in the Music@Home--Preschool Scale. We also identified two additional dimensions of the childhood home musical environment. The Attitude Toward Childhood Home Musical Environment subscale captures participants' current adult attitudes toward their childhood home musical environment, and the Social Listening Contexts subscale indexes the degree to which participants listened to music at home with others (i.e., friends, siblings, and caregivers). Music@Home-Retrospective scores were related to adult self-reports of musicality, performance on a melodic perception task, and self-reports of well-being, demonstrating utility in measuring the early home music environment as captured through this scale. The Music@Home-Retrospective scale is freely available to enable future investigations exploring how the early home musical environment relates to adult cognition, affect, and behavior.

Alternate JournalBehav Res Methods
PubMed ID39103597
PubMed Central ID2838619
Grant ListR01AG078376 / NH / NIH HHS / United States
R21AG075232 / NH / NIH HHS / United States
BCS 2240330 / / National Science Foundation /
CAREER 1945436 / / National Science Foundation /
DGE-1144087 / / National Science Foundation /