Board Certified Music Therapist
Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation):
Music Therapy Consulting
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
United StatesEmail:
Short biography and a description of your interest(s) in music and health:
As former President of the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT), award-winning researcher and educator, and editor-in-chief of the imagine magazine, Dr. Petra Kern’s consultation is powered by knowledge, experiences, and a global understanding of the field. Her work is founded on evidence-based practice, every client’s individual context, capability and needs, industry trends, local insights, and emerging practices. She collaborates with clients at every level, whether as trusted consultant to top organizational administrators, faculty and students, or as hands-on coach for practitioners. No matter the challenge, Dr. Kern is interested in networking across sectors to conduct, translate, and disseminate research to make music for health and wellness accessible for those who could benefit from it.
Collaboration Interests:
Interested in collaborating in research, education, and advocacy related to early childhood, universal preschool curriculum, innovative online education, interactive publications, and anything that seems impossible to do.
music therapy music-based interventions, young children parents, online learning, international