Reporting quality of music intervention research in healthcare: A systematic review.

TitleReporting quality of music intervention research in healthcare: A systematic review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsRobb SL, Hanson-Abromeit D, May L, Hernandez-Ruiz E, Allison M, Beloat A, Daugherty S, Kurtz R, Ott A, Oyedele OOladimeji, Polasik S, Rager A, Rifkin J, Wolf E
JournalComplement Ther Med
Date Published2018 Jun
KeywordsBiomedical Research, Humans, Music Therapy, Quality of Health Care, Treatment Outcome

INTRODUCTION: Concomitant with the growth of music intervention research, are concerns about inadequate intervention reporting and inconsistent terminology, which limits validity, replicability, and clinical application of findings.

OBJECTIVE: Examine reporting quality of music intervention research, in chronic and acute medical settings, using the Checklist for Reporting Music-based Interventions. In addition, describe patient populations and primary outcomes, intervention content and corresponding interventionist qualifications, and terminology.

METHODS: Searching MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, HealthSTAR, and PsycINFO we identified articles meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria for a five-year period (2010-2015) and extracted relevant data. Coded material included reporting quality across seven areas (theory, content, delivery schedule, interventionist qualifications, treatment fidelity, setting, unit of delivery), author/journal information, patient population/outcomes, and terminology.

RESULTS: Of 860 articles, 187 met review criteria (128 experimental; 59 quasi-experimental), with 121 publishing journals, and authors from 31 countries. Overall reporting quality was poor with

CONCLUSIONS: Problems with reporting quality impedes meaningful interpretation and cross-study comparisons. Inconsistent and misapplied terminology also create barriers to interprofessional communication and translation of findings to patient care. Improved reporting quality and creation of shared language will advance scientific rigor and clinical relevance of music intervention research.

Alternate JournalComplement Ther Med
PubMed ID29857877
PubMed Central IDPMC5988263
Grant ListR01 NR015789 / NR / NINR NIH HHS / United States