The Routledge companion to music, mind and well-being

TitleThe Routledge companion to music, mind and well-being
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsMatney B
JournalJ Music Ther
Pagination403 - 405
Date Published2019
ISBN Number0022-2917
AbstractPhilosopher George Santayana (1905) noted the importance of history, primarily in order to keep us from being “condemned” (p. 284) to repeat any actions that may be stagnant, limiting, or even detrimental. Underpinning Santayana’s sentiment is an interest in future growth through a valuing of the past. The intersections of music and health are ancient; when we value the historicity of these intersections, we can see them as both diverse and complex. Our field has documented some of these intersections, for example in the writings of Alvin (1975). One might wonder if we have only scratched the surface, and perhaps have risked our own repetitions of history. Contemporary music therapy philosophy and theories both appear to seek alignment with or “invent” contemporary ideas, perhaps risking a lack of nuanced engagement with the origins of those ideas. Historical analysis of music and health likely provides us with ways to better connect various underpinnings of our work to both the past and future.
Short TitleJournal of Music Therapy