Stephanie Bolton

Board Certified Music Therapist
Healthcare Provider
Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation): 
Healing Sounds Music Therapy
United States
Short biography and a description of your interest(s) in music and health: 
Stephanie Bolton holds a bachelor's in music therapy from the University of Alabama- Tuscaloosa and a master's degree in music therapy from St. Mary of the Woods College in Indiana. She has been a board certified music therapist since 1997 and has worked in a variety of settings with people ages 5 to 105. She became a Fellow of the Association for Imagery and Music (FAMI) in 2013 after completing a 4 year post-master's training program. Since 2009 she has owned and operated a private practice in Huntsville, serving adults with anxiety, depression, complicated grief, and other mental health concerns. She frequently gives presentations in the community about ways to use music for stress management, pain control, and overall personal growth and mental wellness.
music, music therapy, guided imagery, mental health, wellness