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The Sound Health Network clearinghouse currently represents a database of key scientific publications on music and health research. Contributors of these publications include the Sound Health Network team, researchers who participated in Sound Health strategic meetings, and researchers who have received funding for music and health research from the National Endowment for the Arts or National Institutes of Health. This database will be updated frequently and will expand to include content such as news articles, fact sheets, and policy briefs.

Search parameters can be modified using the drop-down menus, and results are available for download. If you have any questions about the clearinghouse or have suggestions for additions, please contact us.

If you have difficulty accessing an article, please email the first author.

Displaying 761 - 770 of 849 results       Download Search Results (CSV)
Citation Type of Publication
Kraus N, Slater J, Thompson EC, Hornickel J, Strait DL, Nicol T, White-Schwoch T.  2014.  Auditory learning through active engagement with sound: biological impact of community music lessons in at-risk children. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8:351. Journal Article
Taylor JY, Holston EC.  2014.  MAMBRA's impact on IPV symptoms of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women.. Issues Ment Health Nurs. 35(5):344-55. Journal Article
MacDonald RAR, Wilson GB.  2014.  Musical improvisation and health: a review. 4(1):20. Journal Article
Limb CJ, Roy AT.  2014.  Technological, biological, and acoustical constraints to music perception in cochlear implant users.. Hear Res. 308:13-26. Journal Article
Sears LE, Agrawal S, Sidney JA, Castle PH, Rula EY, Coberley CR, Witters D, Pope JE, Harter JK.  2014.  The well-being 5: development and validation of a diagnostic instrument to improve population well-being.. Popul Health Manag. 17(6):357-65. Journal Article
Kraus N, Hornickel J, Strait DL, Slater J, Thompson E.  2014.  Engagement in community music classes sparks neuroplasticity and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Frontiers in Psychology. 5:1403. Journal Article
J Irons Y, Petocz P, Kenny DTheadora, Chang AB.  2014.  Singing as an adjunct therapy for children and adults with cystic fibrosis.. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. (6):CD008036. Journal Article
Kraus N, Hornickel J, Strait DL, Slater J, Thompson E.  2014.  Engagement in community music classes sparks neuroplasticity and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds.. Front Psychol. 5:1403. Journal Article
Cirelli LK, Einarson KM, Trainor LJ.  2014.  Interpersonal synchrony increases prosocial behavior in infants.. Dev Sci. 17(6):1003-11. Journal Article
Slater J, Strait DL, Skoe E, O'Connell S, Thompson E, Kraus N.  2014.  Longitudinal Effects of Group Music Instruction on Literacy Skills in Low-Income Children. PLOS ONEPLOS ONE. 9(11):e113383-. Journal Article


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