Music and well-being in carceral settings: a scoping review.

TitleMusic and well-being in carceral settings: a scoping review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsIm V, Pinto RM
JournalArts Health
Date Published2023 Sep 12

Well-being is defined as the multi-dimensional experience of positive emotions, as well as life satisfaction, autonomy, and purpose. This scoping review examines the impact of musical practices on the well-being of incarcerated individuals and uniquely contributes to the literature by focusing on the relationship between music and power in carceral settings and by expounding on the ways in which musical practices both facilitate and inhibit experiences of well-being. Our review contributes to this body of literature by proposing three distinct ways musical practices may affect well-being: (1) Musical Practices and Psychological Outcomes, (2) Musical Practices and Identity Formation and (3) Musical Practices and Power.

Alternate JournalArts Health
PubMed ID37697979