
Found 849 results
Kraus N, Slater J, Thompson EC, Hornickel J, Strait DL, Nicol T, White-Schwoch T.  2014.  Auditory learning through active engagement with sound: biological impact of community music lessons in at-risk children. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8:351.
Roth EA.  2014.  Clinical improvisation in neurologic music therapy. Handbook of neurologic music therapy.
Dearn T, Shoemark H.  2014.  The effect of maternal presence on premature infant response to recorded music.. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 43(3):341-50.
Kraus N, Hornickel J, Strait DL, Slater J, Thompson E.  2014.  Engagement in community music classes sparks neuroplasticity and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds.. Front Psychol. 5:1403.
Kraus N, Hornickel J, Strait DL, Slater J, Thompson E.  2014.  Engagement in community music classes sparks neuroplasticity and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Frontiers in Psychology. 5:1403.
Patel AD, Iversen JR.  2014.  The evolutionary neuroscience of musical beat perception: the Action Simulation for Auditory Prediction (ASAP) hypothesis.. Front Syst Neurosci. 8:57.
Moreno S, Bidelman GM.  2014.  Examining neural plasticity and cognitive benefit through the unique lens of musical training.. Hear Res. 308:84-97.
[Anonymous].  2014.  Handbook of neurologic music therapy.. Handbook of neurologic music therapy.. :x,372-x,372.
Lake JI, LaBar KS, Meck WH.  2014.  Hear it playing low and slow: how pitch level differentially influences time perception.. Acta Psychol (Amst). 149:169-77.
Cirelli LK, Einarson KM, Trainor LJ.  2014.  Interpersonal synchrony increases prosocial behavior in infants.. Dev Sci. 17(6):1003-11.
Slater J, Strait DL, Skoe E, O'Connell S, Thompson E, Kraus N.  2014.  Longitudinal Effects of Group Music Instruction on Literacy Skills in Low-Income Children. PLOS ONEPLOS ONE. 9(11):e113383-.
Taylor JY, Holston EC.  2014.  MAMBRA's impact on IPV symptoms of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women.. Issues Ment Health Nurs. 35(5):344-55.
Kraus N, Slater J, Thompson EC, Hornickel J, Strait DL, Nicol T, White-Schwoch T.  2014.  Music Enrichment Programs Improve the Neural Encoding of Speech in At-Risk Children. Journal of Neuroscience. 34:11913–11918.
MacDonald RAR, Wilson GB.  2014.  Musical improvisation and health: a review. 4(1):20.
Lense MD, Gordon RL, Key APF, Dykens EM.  2014.  Neural correlates of cross-modal affective priming by music in Williams syndrome.. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 9(4):529-37.
Belgrave M.  2014.  The Piano Wizard Project: Developing a Music-Based Lifelong Learning Programme for Older Adults. Approaches: Music Therapy & Special Music Education.
Robb SL, Burns DS, Stegenga KA, Haut PR, Monahan PO, Meza J, Stump TE, Cherven BO, Docherty SL, Hendricks-Ferguson VL et al..  2014.  Randomized clinical trial of therapeutic music video intervention for resilience outcomes in adolescents/young adults undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant: a report from the Children's Oncology Group.. Cancer. 120(6):909-17.
J Irons Y, Petocz P, Kenny DTheadora, Chang AB.  2014.  Singing as an adjunct therapy for children and adults with cystic fibrosis.. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. (6):CD008036.
Hurley BK, Martens PA, Janata P.  2014.  Spontaneous sensorimotor coupling with multipart music.. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 40(4):1679-96.
Limb CJ, Roy AT.  2014.  Technological, biological, and acoustical constraints to music perception in cochlear implant users.. Hear Res. 308:13-26.
Sears LE, Agrawal S, Sidney JA, Castle PH, Rula EY, Coberley CR, Witters D, Pope JE, Harter JK.  2014.  The well-being 5: development and validation of a diagnostic instrument to improve population well-being.. Popul Health Manag. 17(6):357-65.
