
Found 849 results
Passmore S, Wood ALC, Barbieri C, Shilton D, Daikoku H, Atkinson QD, Savage PE.  2024.  Global musical diversity is largely independent of linguistic and genetic histories.. Nat Commun. 15(1):3964.
Nuthalapati BSai, Dey D, Singh B, Anamika FNU, Kanagala SGautham, Garg N, Jain R.  2024.  Harmonizing Hearts: Exploring the Impact of Music Therapy on Cardiovascular Health.. Cardiol Rev.
Main M, Skoe E.  2024.  Heightened OAEs in young adult musicians: Influence of current noise exposure and training recency.. Hear Res. 442:108925.
Karadag O, Orhon EN, Karabey S.  2024.  ‘HepGenç’: A youth festival to promote health and well-being via films, photography, music, and arts. European Journal of Public Health. 34:ckae144–1823.
Gilmour L, Honeybul L, Mackay D, Jamison J, Woodhouse A.  2024.  How Live Music Can Be Delivered to Children and Young People to Support Their Mental Health and Wellbeing: Co-Produced Solutions and Key Findings from a Series of Intergenerational Multi-Disciplinary Workshops. Youth. 4:1567–1581.
Skoe E, Powell S.  2024.  Hypoactivation of the central auditory system in listeners who are hypertolerant of background noise.. J Neurophysiol. 132(3):1074-1084.
Sinnott S, Buckle N, Sweeney A, Karpavičiūtė S, O’Neill A, Kroll T, Somanadhan S.  2024.  The impact of music on health and wellbeing of children and young people with rare diseases in healthcare settings: A scoping review. British Journal of Music Therapy. :13594575241258820.
Wells KB, Zhang L, Saks ER, Bilder RM.  2024.  Impact of Opera on Resilience and Thriving in Serious Mental Illness: Pilot Evaluation of The Center Cannot Hold Part 2 and Resilience Workshop.. Community Ment Health J.
Löser AS, Bella SDalla, Keller PE, Villringer A, Obrig H, Engel A.  2024.  Inhibitory control and working memory predict rhythm production abilities in patients with neurocognitive deficits.. Neuropsychologia. 204:109009.
Rose D, Burland K, Blackstone K, Alessandri E.  2024.  Investigating the health and wellbeing of music students: Perspectives from schools of music in Switzerland and the UK. International Journal of Music Education. :02557614241262798.
Bugos JA, Gbadamosi A, Laesker D, Chow R, Sirocchi S, Norgaard M, Ghent J, Alain C.  2024.  Jazz Piano Training Modulates Neural Oscillations and Executive Functions in Older Adults: A Pilot Study. Music Perception. 41(5):378-392.
Bugos JA, Gbadamosi A, Laesker D, Chow R, Sirocchi S, Norgaard M, Ghent J, Alain C.  2024.  Jazz Piano Training Modulates Neural Oscillations and Executive Functions in Older Adults: A Pilot Study. Music Perception. 41(5):378-392.
Cavero B, Martínez-Castilla P, Campos R.  2024.  Let's make music as we normally do: A systematic review of how early natural musical interactions between infant and caregiver have been studied in research.. Infant Behav Dev. 75:101928.
Dreyer P, Thorn L, Lund THøjfeldt, Bro MLanger.  2024.  Live music in the intensive care unit - a beautiful experience.. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 19(1):2322755.
Pickard B, Ockelford A, Welch G.  2024.  Mapping Music in Education, Social Care, and Health and Wellbeing (MESH) in the UK – West Midlands Pilot Research Project.
Dereddy N, Moats RAntonia, Ruth D, Pokelsek A, Pepe J, Wadhawan R, Oh W.  2024.  Maternal recorded voice played to preterm infants in incubators reduces her own depression, anxiety and stress: a pilot randomized control trial.. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 37(1):2362933.
Xian X, Zhang X, Zheng D, Wang Y.  2024.  Mental Health Benefits of Listening to Music During COVID-19 Quarantine: Cross-Sectional Study.. JMIR Form Res. 8:e46497.
Sunderland N, Barry G, Graham P, Garvey D, Bartleet B-L, Scarfe B, Apps K, Cooper R, Bracknell C, Hall K.  2024.  Music Across Generations: Exploring Intergenerational First Nations Musical Practices as Cultural Determinants of Health.. Fam Community Health. 47(4):294-303.
Scarfe B, Apps K, Sunderland N, Graham P, Bartleet B-L, Barry G, Garvey D, Cooper R, Bracknell C.  2024.  Music as a determinant of health among First Nations people in Australia: A scoping narrative review.. Health Promot J Austr.
Scarfe B, Apps K, Sunderland N, Graham P, Bartleet B-L, Barry G, Garvey D, Cooper R, Bracknell C.  2024.  Music as a determinant of health among First Nations people in Australia: A scoping narrative review. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. n/a
Romano M, Archambault K, Garel P, Gosselin N.  2024.  Music interventions with children, adolescents and emerging adults in mental health settings: a scoping review.. Arts Health. 16(1):89-109.
Bradt J, Leader A, Worster B, Myers-Coffman K, Bryl K, Biondo J, Schneible B, Cottone C, Selvan P, Zhang F.  2024.  Music Therapy for Pain Management for People With Advanced Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial.. Psychooncology. 33(10):e70005.
Stouffer JW, Myers CA, Kelly T.  2024.  A Music Therapy Pilot Program for Health Care Worker Resiliency in an Acute Hospital Setting.
Kathios N, Patel AD, Loui P.  2024.  Musical anhedonia, timbre, and the rewards of music listening.. Cognition. 243:105672.
Mehl K, Reschke-Hernandez AE, Hanson J, Linhardt L, Frame J, Dew M, Kickbusch E, Johnson C, Bai E, Belfi AM.  2024.  Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories are Associated with Negative Affect in Younger and Older Adults.. Exp Aging Res. :1-18.
