Found 849 results
Global musical diversity is largely independent of linguistic and genetic histories.. Nat Commun. 15(1):3964.
2024. .
2024. Heightened OAEs in young adult musicians: Influence of current noise exposure and training recency.. Hear Res. 442:108925.
2024. ‘HepGenç’: A youth festival to promote health and well-being via films, photography, music, and arts. European Journal of Public Health. 34:ckae144–1823.
2024. .
2024. Hypoactivation of the central auditory system in listeners who are hypertolerant of background noise.. J Neurophysiol. 132(3):1074-1084.
2024. The impact of music on health and wellbeing of children and young people with rare diseases in healthcare settings: A scoping review. British Journal of Music Therapy. :13594575241258820.
2024. Impact of Opera on Resilience and Thriving in Serious Mental Illness: Pilot Evaluation of The Center Cannot Hold Part 2 and Resilience Workshop.. Community Ment Health J.
2024. Inhibitory control and working memory predict rhythm production abilities in patients with neurocognitive deficits.. Neuropsychologia. 204:109009.
2024. Investigating the health and wellbeing of music students: Perspectives from schools of music in Switzerland and the UK. International Journal of Music Education. :02557614241262798.
2024. Jazz Piano Training Modulates Neural Oscillations and Executive Functions in Older Adults: A Pilot Study. Music Perception. 41(5):378-392.
2024. Jazz Piano Training Modulates Neural Oscillations and Executive Functions in Older Adults: A Pilot Study. Music Perception. 41(5):378-392.
2024. Let's make music as we normally do: A systematic review of how early natural musical interactions between infant and caregiver have been studied in research.. Infant Behav Dev. 75:101928.
2024. Live music in the intensive care unit - a beautiful experience.. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 19(1):2322755.
2024. .
2024. Maternal recorded voice played to preterm infants in incubators reduces her own depression, anxiety and stress: a pilot randomized control trial.. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 37(1):2362933.
2024. Mental Health Benefits of Listening to Music During COVID-19 Quarantine: Cross-Sectional Study.. JMIR Form Res. 8:e46497.
2024. Music Across Generations: Exploring Intergenerational First Nations Musical Practices as Cultural Determinants of Health.. Fam Community Health. 47(4):294-303.
2024. Music as a determinant of health among First Nations people in Australia: A scoping narrative review.. Health Promot J Austr.
2024. Music as a determinant of health among First Nations people in Australia: A scoping narrative review. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. n/a
2024. Music interventions with children, adolescents and emerging adults in mental health settings: a scoping review.. Arts Health. 16(1):89-109.
2024. Music Therapy for Pain Management for People With Advanced Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial.. Psychooncology. 33(10):e70005.
2024. .
2024. Musical anhedonia, timbre, and the rewards of music listening.. Cognition. 243:105672.
2024. .