
Found 849 results
Shoda H, Tabei K-I, Abe M, Nakahara J, Yasuda S, Williamon A, Isaka T.  2023.  Effects of choir singing on physiological stress in Japanese older adults: its relationship with cognitive functioning and subjective well-being. Arts & HealthArts & Health. :1-13.
Baltacı N, Yüksekol ÖDoğan, Koç E, Ulucan M.  2023.  The effects of listening to lullabies and self-selected music at home on prenatal stress and anxiety in nulliparous pregnant women: A randomized-controlled study.. Health Care Women Int. :1-17.
Zhang Z, Wu Y, Zhou S, Fu P, Yan H.  2023.  Effects of Music and White Noise Exposure on the Gut Microbiota, Oxidative Stress, and Immune-Related Gene Expression of Mice.. Microorganisms. 11(9)
Mercier LJ, Langelier DM, Lee CHee, Brown-Hall B, Grant C, Plamondon S.  2023.  Effects of music therapy on mood, pain, and satisfaction in the neurologic inpatient setting.. Disabil Rehabil. 45(18):2964-2975.
Töre FKeskin, Yağmur Y.  2023.  The effects of therapeutic touch and music on sleep quality, menopausal symptoms, and quality of life in menopausal women.. Menopause.
Valevicius D, Lopez ALépine, Diushekeeva A, Lee AChaewon, Roy M.  2023.  Emotional responses to favorite and relaxing music predict music-induced hypoalgesia. Frontiers in Pain Research. 4
Poor SBailey, Ryan SRae, Sortino ANicole, Armour JFrances, Livingston ABrooke, Pass MAnne.  2023.  Exploring the impact of expressive therapies on military veterans with PTSD: A systematic review. Arts & Health. :1-25.
Du Y, Blackmon E, Smith C, Robles C, Subramanian S, Jee S, Meyer K, Roberts P.  2023.  THE FEASIBILITY OF TAICHI WITH MUSIC FOR HEALTH IN INDIVIDUALS LIVING WITH ADRD AND THEIR CAREGIVERS. Innovation in Aging. 7:1134-1134.
Moore KSena, Hanson-Abromeit D.  2023.  Feasibility of the Musical Contour Regulation Facilitation (MCRF) intervention to promote emotion regulation for under-resourced preschoolers: Examining intervention intensity. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 82:101984.
Worschech F, James CE, Jünemann K, Sinke C, Krüger THC, Scholz DS, Kliegel M, Marie D, Altenmüller E.  2023.  Fine motor control improves in older adults after one year of piano lessons: Analysis of individual development and its coupling with cognition and brain structure.. Eur J Neurosci.
Sunderland N, Graham P, Bartleet B-L, Garvey D, Bracknell C, Apps K, Barry G, Cooper R, Scarfe B, Vervoort S.  2023.  First Nations music as a determinant of health in Australia and Vanuatu: political and economic determinants.. Health Promot Int. 38(2)
Belden A, Quinci MAiello, Geddes M, Donovan NJ, Hanser SB, Loui P.  2023.  Functional Organization of Auditory and Reward Systems in Aging.. J Cogn Neurosci. 35(10):1570-1592.
Habe K, Dobrota S, Ercegovac IReić.  2023.  Functions of music, focused on the context of music listening, and psychological well-being in late adolescence regarding gender differences.. Front Psychol. 14:1275818.
Bendayan S.  2023.  The healing power of music: a promising new avenue for cardiovascular health. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 10
Bartleet B-L, Boydell K, Walton J, Young P.  2023.  Help is on its Way: Exploring the Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes of a Massed Community Choir Program.. Arts Health. 15(3):257-274.
Gustavson DE, Nayak S, Coleman PL, Iversen JR, Lense MD, Gordon RL, Maes HH.  2023.  Heritability of Childhood Music Engagement and Associations with Language and Executive Function: Insights from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study.. Behav Genet. 53(3):189-207.
Gustavson DE, Nayak S, Coleman PL, Iversen JR, Lense MD, Gordon RL, Maes HH.  2023.  Heritability of Childhood Music Engagement and Associations with Language and Executive Function: Insights from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study.. Behav Genet. 53(3):189-207.
Caron C.  2023.  How Music Can Be Mental Health Care.
Shriraam J, Comeau G, Swirp M.  2023.  Identification and Illustration of Means to a Critical Assessment of Music and Health Research Literature. Healthcare. 11:807.
Smith AR, Salley B, Hanson-Abromeit D, Paluch RA, Engel H, Piazza J, Kong KLing.  2023.  The impact of a community-based music program during infancy on the quality of parent-child language interactions.. Child Dev.
Smith AR, McGregor CM, Carr K, Epstein LH, Serwatka C, Paluch R, Piazza J, Shisler S, Kong KLing.  2023.  The impact of a music enrichment program during infancy and early toddlerhood on effortful control at age 3: A preliminary investigation.. Infancy.
Kawai H, Kishimoto M, Okahisa Y, Sakamoto S, Terada S, Takaki M.  2023.  Initial Outcomes of the Safe and Sound Protocol on Patients with Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder: Exploratory Pilot Study.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 20(6)
Jones M, Moffatt F, Harvey A, Ryan JM.  2023.  Interventions for improving adherence to airway clearance treatment and exercise in people with cystic fibrosis.. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 7(7):CD013610.
Tamiasso RSouza Sout, da Silva VAraujo, Turrini RNatalia Te.  2023.  Membranophone percussion instruments in music therapy with adult patients in the health context: a scope review.. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 57:e20220263.
Deleon M.  2023.  Mexican American Values and Therapeutic Alliance in Music Therapy: Composite Vignettes from the Rio Grande Valley. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy. 23
